Impact Report Express Yourself
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We started Fantastic Toiles four years ago as a space for independent designers to sell their own work and keep their own profit. Some of the designers and makers donated bits of clothes and trims so that we could do a few workshops at The Gate.
We support the artists there to bring their ideas to life. Not everybody is a maker, so we help them cut and sew and make things which get sold in our shop. We donate any money back into The Gate so they can continue their activities.
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Nasir Mazhar, Fantastic Toiles
We have a catalogue that documents what we’ve created. We’ve done three issues so far, which we print and sell. In one edition we styled some looks for it using the work that we’d done with artists at The Gate. One of the dresses also features in a film we’ve done which is directed by Nick Knight. Their work sells well and people are all really into it. The artists at The Gate have a unique take on fashion. Our designers get a different perspective when we work together, because there’s no preconceived ideas about what a design should be. It’s less constrained.
We want to give everybody an equal space to share their designs, so, it’s inevitable that our work at The Gate encourages us to feel good about what we’re doing. It has a purity to it. Fantastic Toiles is all about building a network for like-minded designers. Whether you’re an established designer or make things in your bedroom, each artist should have an equal opportunity to express their creative work. Selling it ensures the artists know there is value and purpose to their work.