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Meet this year's London Big Half runners

  • Fundraising

The Big Half is an annual road running event over the half marathon distance, held in central London, United Kingdom, and will take place on Sunday 1 September 2024.

To support our runners, click on their name below to be taken to their fundraising page.

We had a chat with some of our runners to find out a bit more about them and what motivated them to run in support of Certitude…

Ami Hope

Why did you choose to run for certitude in this year’s Big Half Marathon?
So, I chose to run for Certitude in the Big Half as I have recently started my running journey and have been dying to do a half marathon for months. When I saw that it was possible to run for a charity, I thought it was a no-brainer, so I scoured through the list of available charities I could run for. I work for a private mental health provider, and have previous worked in SEN schools, so when I read about Certitude, I knew that I wanted to raise money for them and their cause.

While training what have you found most challenging and how did you overcome that?
The most difficult part of my training has been my knee injury for sure. I injured my knee about a month ago, so have had to deviate from my plan quite a lot in order to recover. But I have recently got back into my routine and managed to hit a 5k PB, so I think I have my mojo back!

Do you have any top tips for people looking to start running, training for their first half marathon?

As a beginner myself, I think my only tip would be to start slow! Like… really slow if you have to. Don’t come out the gates too fast and burn yourself out too quickly. They always say ‘you have to run slow to run fast’!

How many marathons have you ran?

I’ve actually never ran more than 10km prior to my training plan, so The Big Half will be my first ever race!

A fun fact about yourself.

I don’t know how fun this fact is, but I’ve actually never had tonsillitis before because I was born without any tonsils 😂

Support Ami

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