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Meet Richard

  • Fundraising

I’m Richard. I’m an accountant (love a spreadsheet), love my sports and keeping active, I’ve done a couple of triathlons and did a half marathon ages ago (which was so painful!)

Why did you decide to run the London Marathon?
It’s a fantastic challenge and to be able to do it in your home city for a fantastic organisation is too good an opportunity to miss!

Why did you choose Certitude as your organisation of choice?
My wife works for Certitude, so I know about all the great work that you do for the local community.

What does running in the London Marathon mean to you?
For me it’s the ultimate test, I’m never going to run further than this and I’ll probably never do it again, so it’s really exciting.

How has your training been going? Any tips for other runners?
The long runs are really taking a toll on my knees because I keep running too fast. I find it difficult running at ‘easy’ pace so tip is if your plan says easy/slow then go easy/slow!!! Another tip – KT Tape is magic for any niggles!

What’s been the hardest moment in your training so far and how did you overcome it? I broke my wrist a few weeks ago which was really difficult as I was meant to do the London Triathlon that weekend and everything is ridiculously hard when you can only use one hand! Luckily, I can still run – so I got over it by focusing purely on my running and adapting my stretching routines to be able to do it all with one hand, hopefully it pays off!

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