We smashed it!

Including gift aid, you raised an amazing £2083, smashing our target of £1000.
During December, teams, families, and groups of friends joined the fun to help raise funds for projects and activities that benefit the people we support.
These included:
London Fire Brigade Ealing
A team of 4 chose to hit the streets of Ealing Broadway during the snow, to raise awareness of Certitude and the work we do whilst collecting for the 12 Miles of Christmas Campaign. Thanks to their efforts, the public made donations on the day and online – raising a total of £140.
London Fire Brigade Croydon
Croydon’s blue watch chose to set up cableway from their training tower, across their station yard. They aimed to complete 12 miles of people climbing the tower and descending the cableway on their specialist rope rescue system. They calculated those 16 round trips would equate to a mile, and then spread each mile across their duty watches. Over 10 consecutive days they not only completed their 12 miles, but they also raised £507!
Ian Brand
Ian, whose brother is supported by Certitude, walked 100,000 steps throughout the month of December, exploring a new area every day and raised £495.
Team Seema
Our very own Fundraising and Corporate Partnerships Manager, Seema Sharma, took part with her family and friends and raised over £400! They walked from Harrow to Watford Topgolf for a quick game and then walked the entire way back again- 13 miles in total! Between them they raised £570!
Sophie and Josh
Sophie Lester, our Family Support Manager, walked the 12 miles with her son Josh who really enjoyed wearing our Certitude beanie to keep warm! Family members of the people we support also kindly donated to Sophie’s page taking her fundraising up to £150!
How will the money be spent?
Every penny of the money raised will help people we support to discover new skills and become more connected in their communities. At Certitude, we host a variety of community projects across London that are designed to enhance the skills, confidence, friendships and connections for people.
These include our coproduced Connect and Do programme of monthly arts, crafts and music sessions, our music club Sonic Sound Club, our community choirs as well as community activities at The Gate (based in Hammersmith) that support people to do expressive art and music. We also support cooking, gardening and exercise activities at people’s homes.