Safeguarding and Abuse
Certitude is committed to keeping the people we support safe from abuse
Certitude is committed to meeting our obligation under the Care Act 2014 to prevent, identify, investigate, and effectively respond to the abuse or suspected abuse of people we support or other adults or children at risk. This includes domestic abuse.
We will ensure that all cases of potential abuse are investigated and dealt with appropriately.
Any action we take will align with the London Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and the Making Safeguarding Personal initiative.
Certitude has zero tolerance to any form of abuse, regardless of who the potential abuser is, and we will take all appropriate steps in line with our organisational policies and legal requirements.
We work to protect the right of people we support to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect
We will ensure that all colleagues:
- know how to recognise signs of abuse.
- know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse.
- know how to work safely to reduce the risk of abuse.
- support people effectively through the safeguarding process.
We ensure all staff are subject to robust employment checks and are inducted carefully in our Expected Behaviours and our Speak Up Whistleblowing Policies.
We work in partnership with other agencies involved in a person’s care and support to safeguard people we support from abuse or neglect.
We ensure the people we support receive information on safeguarding and abuse in ways that they understand it to help them to keep themselves safe.
We work to combine principles of protection and prevention with individuals’ self-determination, respecting their views, wishes and preferences.
If you would like to see our full Safeguarding Adults at Risk policy and procedure, please contact us with your request.