More Than a Provider - Policy Proposals for the Future of Social Care
Read the More Than A Provider’s policy proposal here.
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Our Campaigns
The other providers that make up More Than a Provider are Brandon, Dimensions, Choice Support, MacIntyre and United Response.
These are all social care providers, funded primarily by local authorities, to provide a range of support for adults, children and young people, including those with learning disabilities, autistic people and people with mental health support needs.
Collectively, we support 12,000 people and employ 21,000 colleagues across England and Wales. We hope that our combined expertise means that government ministers and decision makers in all political parties will benefit from our experience and specialist knowledge about what people need to be able to live the life they want.
More Than a Provider was formed as a result of the Social Care Future movement that aims to make sure everyone has the chance to live a ‘gloriously ordinary life’.
We know that the reforms needed to make this happen already exist in law, for example in the Care Act 2014, but we are yet to see them implemented. Some of the other changes we need to see are yet to be agreed by government.
Together we want to make sure that the future government:
To find out more, you can read our full proposal for the future of social care here:
More Than A Provider’s policy proposal
We will be sharing this proposal with people interested in social care locally and nationally to raise awareness of the changes that need to be made.
We know that what we are asking for is reasonable, achievable – and would enable people to live the lives they want.
We believe that with our combined experiences and specialist knowledge, together we can make positive change happen.
Read the More Than A Provider’s policy proposal here.
6 MB | pdf
To find out more about the other providers that make up More Than a Provider, follow the links below: