Who We Are
Executive Team
The day-to-day operations of the Certitude group are managed by the Executive Team who are accountable to the Board of Trustees.

Aisling Duffy
Chief Executive
Aisling’s career began as a support worker, supporting people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. She first established a group where people with learning disabilities co-produced and informed how an organisation works in the early 1990s, setting her leadership style as a CEO.
At Certitude, Aisling continues to champion initiatives that enable people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health support needs to have choice and control over their lives supported by talented, engaged and valued team members.
Aisling is an experienced strategic director and has served as a Trustee on charity boards over the past 10 years and is currently on the board of Shared Lives Plus. In 2022, Aisling was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the National Learning Disability and Autism Awards.
Aisling is a keen walker, loves reading and is an enthusiastic baker!

Nicholas Campbell-Watts
Executive Director of Strategy and Development
Nicholas joined the organisation in December 2004, with a background in the not-for-profit and statutory sector, developing and providing services for people with complex health and social care support needs, and working with marginalised communities facing discrimination and disadvantage.

Caroline Fraser
Executive Director of People
Caroline has over 25 years’ experience working in senior HR/People & Organisation Development roles in public, not-for-profit and private sectors. She has worked in organisations with a strong reputation for both customer focus and the engagement of their people – including the NHS, Boots the Chemist Group, Laura Ashley, Warwickshire Council, Sport England and Barnardo’s.
Caroline has a passion for working with organisations and engaging and developing colleagues to deliver the organisation’s vision and strategy. She believes that “people make the difference”.

Emma Main
Executive Director of Quality and Operations
Emma has worked within social care for over 25 years, starting as a support worker with young homeless people and working in a variety of different management roles over the years.
Emma has worked for both large housing associations and charitable trusts.

Sanjay Shah
Executive Director of Finance
Sanjay joined the organisation in February 2007 as the Director of Finance. Prior to this he has worked in the not for profit sector and the NHS.
He is a trustee for two small charities providing finance expertise as well as being a co-chair of the VODG Finance Directors network. Sanjay is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Certified Accountants and has an MSc in Charity Finance from CASS Business School.