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Community Support

Blooming Marvellous

Our weekly Community Allotment Project funded by The Heathrow Community Trust

Image shows logo with gardening tools and a flower blooming

We’re bringing people together in our community to discover the fun of growing vegetables. We’re starting our planting season from scratch and we’re really excited to see what we can grow together.

We plan on sharing and eating our produce in a series of community picnics. There’s no pressure, and you only need to do what you feel comfortable with.

Drop in sessions are in Hounslow every Wednesday at 11.30 am – 3.30 pm each week throughout the year.

Gloves and tools will be provided, but we recommend you bring your own refreshments.

Limited spaces are available on a first come first served basis.

Our inclusive gardening sessions are led by our community support team but we are also looking for keen volunteers in the Hounslow area to help us create a sensory herb garden for the people we support, alongside helping each other develop or learn new gardening skills during a busy planting season in our Blooming Marvellous allotment plot.

If you’d like to join us or would just like to find out more details on what to expect, please email

Certitude’s Blooming Marvellous project has been made possible thanks to funding from The Heathrow Community Trust.

image shows the flyer for the Blooming Marvellous project

Blooming Marvellous Community Flyer

Download and share the flyer in your local community with details about how to get involved.

151 KB | pdf

Image shows the easy read document with pictures and words describing the project

Easy Read Blooming Marvellous Flyer

Download and share the flyer with people in the Hounslow area who might want to get involved.

1 MB | pdf
